
tell jesse to calm down.

jesse jackson has lost all respect. truth be told, i was never fond of the man and when i met him he was rather distant and bland. as a man and ex-presidential candidate one would think jesse would know how to conduct himself while in the public eye. so much for uplifting the "black community" jesse! i can't seem to grasp why he, of all people, would degrade Barack Obama -our nations presidential Democratic candidate. mr. jackson is getting reckless and i might even build up the nerve to place him in the same catorgory as al sharpton; not a good look.

only the ignorant who lack common sense would utter crude words on a live television program .. i mean on The O'Reilly Factor.

"See, Barack been, um, talking down to black people on this faith based ... I want to cut his n**s off ... Barack ... he's talking down to black people."

sound bite..clip..or what have you.

the man is a fool.



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